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Playing rock music in a band is an exciting and rewarding experience. And while it may seem like all you need to rock out are some instruments, there’s actually more equipment needed to make your band practice sound great. The right gear, like amps, cables, keyboards, and effects pedals, can make your band sound just like the pros.

In this article, we will explore 10 essential pieces of equipment for any rock band that wants to get the most out of their practice sessions. We’ll look at what each piece does and how it can help improve the quality of your music, so you can start making professional-sounding tracks in no time!

1. Amplifiers

A good amplifier is essential for rock bands, as it helps to amplify the sound of your instruments so that everyone can hear them better. Look for an amplifier that has enough output power and features to give you great sound quality without breaking the bank. Our band uses separate amplifiers for our bass, lead, and rhythm guitar.

2. Cables

You will need a variety of cables to connect your instruments and amp, as well as any other equipment you may have. Make sure to get the right length and type of cable to ensure good sound quality. Some of the types of cables we use in our band include:

3. Keyboards

If you’re looking for a way to add piano, electric piano, or organ sounds to your mix, a keyboard will be essential to your band. Manufacturers like Korg, Nord, Roland, and Yamaha, have many options available according to your budget. With current keyboards, keyboard synthesizers, and digital stage pianos, the sound sampling of the original analog instruments like Hammond organs and pianos is done so well that it can be hard to tell the difference between the digital version and the original vintage instrument.

4. Effects Pedals

Effects pedals can help you shape the tone of your sound and give it more character, from distortion to flanger and beyond. Experiment with different effects pedals to find the perfect combination for your rock-and-roll needs.

5. PA System

If you’re playing in larger venues, a PA system can help ensure that the audience can hear your music clearly. Look for one with enough power and features to cover the size of the venue and sound great. Here’s a review of the PA system we use for our practices and performances, the Bose L1 Pro8.

6. Microphones

Vocals are an important part of rock music, and microphones can help you project your voice clearly. Choose one with a good range and features that will make it easier for you to rock out without straining your vocal cords. For the last few years, we’ve used the Behringer XM1800S 3 Dynamic Cardioid Vocal and Instrument Microphones and have been pleasantly surprised by their quality and performance.

7. Mixer

You’ll need a mixer to connect your microphones and other instruments to your PA system. With its many audio inputs, the mixer lets you find the right balance between vocals and instruments to get the sound you want. Many mixers also include sound processing, which injects effects like reverb and echo into the sound mix. We currently use the Behringer X1622USB Premium 16-Input 2/2-Bus Mixer, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor for both practice and performances.

8. Tuners

Keeping your instruments in tune is essential if you want to sound great, so invest in a good tuner to help you out. This is an essential piece of tech for our bassist and guitarists.

9. Drum Kit

If you’re going to rock out with drums, get yourself a drum kit that has everything you need to make great beats. Whether you go with an acoustic set or an electric drum kit, there’s an endless array of options available, new or used. A basic kit will consist of the following pieces:

  • Bass drum and kick pedal
  • 2 tom-toms mounted to the bass drum, and a floor tom
  • Snare drum
  • High-hat tower and cymbals
  • Crash cymbal
  • Ride cymbal

We currently use the Roland TD-07KXS V-Drums kit for both practice and performances.

10. Practice Room

As mentioned in our other post How to Start A Classic Rock Band: Tips for Beginners, establishing a room for your band practices is essential if you want to rock out without being disturbed by the outside world. Make sure it’s comfortable and has enough space for all of your equipment, plus enough acoustics to help you sound great.


Having the right equipment for your rock band is essential if you want to create great-sounding music and make the most out of your practice sessions. With the 10 essential pieces of equipment mentioned in this article, you’ll be on your way to rock stardom in no time! So go ahead, rock on, and have fun!

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